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Watch Episode One | Identity

Watch Episode One | Identity

Episode One | Identity

Moku Moku | Season One

Up Next in Moku Moku | Season One

  • Episode Two | Breaking Spam

    [AIRDATE 12/15/2023] Pili needs comic book money, and the price of Musubi keeps going up, but working on the farm isn't paying much. Together with Kimo, the two sus out other options to make cash. Meanwhile, Leilani corners a lucrative market and focuses on the hustle.

  • Episode Three | Muk Muk Bang Bang

    [AIRDATE 12/22/2023] Pili's foray into being a social influencer comes to a head when his internet troll challenges him to a Mukbang competition. Lei is supposed to give Pili a ride to gather his ingredients, but her truck breaks down. Will Kimo & Lei make it to Pili before the showdown in Wailuku?

  • Episode Four | It's My Party

    [AIRDATE 1/12/2024] The neighborhood comes together for Pili's birthday party. Kimo pushes the limits with Leilani by encouraging Pili to get drunk, and when the party gets sidetracked by a power outage, Lei & Kimo have a ghostly encounter.